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A bright nuclear future: true or false?

"Britain has identified 10 'suitable sites' for next-generation nuclear power plants. Here's a list of awkward questions"

Category: Energy sources


From the space race to human race

"Forty years on from humans reaching the Moon, it is time for another epochal moment in history, says John Manoochehri. In this week's Green Room, he calls for us to recapture the spirit that took us into space and use that...


IEA calls for global push to end energy poverty

"Energy watchdog says that without action at Copenhagen one in six people will still be without electricity by 2030"

Category: Energy sources


UK surveillance plan to go ahead

"The Home Office says it will push ahead with plans to ask communications firms to monitor all internet use."

Category: Communications


Where countries stand on Copenhagen

"The final round of preparatory talks in Barcelona has revealed deep divisions between some of the key participants. Use this table to study their positions."

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 901 to 905 out of 2977